Monday, June 23, 2008

Camping with the Cardons

It took us a while to find a site that we all liked, the only requirements we had were trees. We had been driving around a lake where suposedly there were camping grounds but we failed to see the trees. We ended up in Hollister, bike town apparently. After the guys pitched the tents and Melissa started the fire, we finally settled into camp mode. I realized it was true, we were going to sleep outside with four small kids and all the bugs and animals in the wild...I looked around for shealter but only saw the restrooms. Good enough I thought. My only concerns were the kids being eaten up by a bear and drunk neighbors coming to get us with machetes. Funny (but not ha ha funny) thing was when Tom went to ask a neighbor for a machete they produced one but it was too dull or small to chop down the tree Tom was trying to burn in our pit. The fire was my favorite and after the kids (and Tom) went to bed we started getting silly.


Sara said...

Yeah!!!! I'm so happy you are blogging! Please please please keep it up!

Unknown said...


WT said...

Hooray! I have found you! I miss you so much. Keep up the blogging girlfriend!